Coaching Projects
Writing your story is truly that - it's your story. Stories have all sorts of genres - science fiction, fantasy, historical, time-traveling techno-zombie romance from parallel dimensions.
It's time to work on yours - here are some of the ways that I have helped others:

Christian Coaching
Whether you are looking to deepen your Christian walk, recover from church wounds, or incorporate faith into your other goals, I am a pastorally trained counselor and coach and love to help people come into touch with their divine purpose. This includes walking with people who are in the reconstruction phase of their spiritual walk.

HSP Coaching
Highly Sensitive People (HSP) account for 15-20% of the population and are often categorized by the acronym DOES: Deep Processors, Overstimulated, Empathetic, and Sensitive. Coaching for HSPs help people to find their strengths and manage the overwhelm that they experience daily.

Ministerial Burnout
The fishbowl of ministry - everyone sees you and you have to constantly be "on stage." But what do you do with your emotions? Who do you lean on for support? What happens when you struggle just to show up? Let me help you rekindle your passion, find your supports, and help you continue to walk your calling.

ADHD Coaching
ADHD - beyond a diagnosis - requires adjustment to your life. ADHD coaching will take the strengths that your different way of thinking/processing and use these to overcome your limitations and find ways to accomplish your life goals.

Geek Coaching